FaceKraft Dental Implant Clinic

Protect Your Teeth

Crown And Bridges

Crown And Bridges
Crown And Bridges


A Dental crown or a cap is an artificial tooth custom-made for a patient after the dentist takes measurements to make it in the laboratory. The cap once cemented on the tooth helps protect the natural tooth from further damage and also improves the chewing force that the natural tooth can generate.


1. Protect a tooth from breaking after a root canal.
2. Restore a broken or worn-down tooth.
3. Improve the appearance of misshapen or discoloured teeth.
4. Support a tooth with a large filling.

Crowns for all ages

Types of Crowns

PFM - Porcelain fused to metal.

This is the most basic type of crown that is made by the technician in the lab.

DMLS - Metal with Ceramic layer.

This crown is the most advanced form of a PFM crown. Here the metal is sprayed uniformly. It's fit and accuracy is far superior to a basic metal ceramic crown.

Metal Free - Zirconia Crowns.

These are the best in class. They are stronger and fit the tooth accurately. They are made out of a single block of zirconia and are milled with the help of a CAD CAM machine.

E- Max crowns.

These crowns are thin shells which are used mainly in the front upper teeth. They have the best in class translucency making the crown look as natural as possible.

Watch This Video

Patient Testimonial After Getting A Crown.


Yes, a tooth treated by root canal or RCT should always be covered by a cap after the treatment. Because of extensive caries, the tooth loses a large part of its strength and structure.

Placing a cap over the tooth protects it from fracture and breakage in future.


The dentist will first prepare and shape the natural tooth to receive a crown.

Then the dentist will take measurements of the natural tooth.

At Facekraft we take pride in saying that all our measurements are done with a digital scanner and we do not place any recording material in the mouth of the patient like it was done in the old days. 

After that the dental lab manufactures a custom-made crown for the patient and that crown is then cemented with dental cement on the natural tooth.

Because we use a specialised digital scanner that helps take the most accurate measurements which are possible in dentistry.

Secondly, because of the use of technology, we can deliver the crown either on the same day or within 24 hours.

Thirdly, we have been doing this since 2012, we are more than experienced to handle and type of case.

Yes, after 7-10 years of usage, the crowns might need replacement. This happens because of routine wear and tear. 

Replacement is mostly needed for PFM crowns because the ceramic layer breaks and can lead to food getting stuck between the teeth leading to pain and swelling.

The cost of basic metal ceramic or PFM crown is Rs 4500 in our clinic.

The cost of a zirconia crown in Jaipur is about Rs 11000. These are best-in-class crowns that will last a lifetime for the patient.

Some amount of variation between 5-10% can come in the cost of the crowns depending on the infrastructure of the clinic and the experience of the dentist who is treating you.