Face Kraft Clinic

Dental Implants

Meet Our Dental Implant Specialist

Dr. Prateek Jain

MDS, Maxillofacial Surgeon, Govt Dental Collage Jaipur SMS Hospital

Dr. Prateek Jain, an accomplished Maxillofacial Surgeon with an MDS qualification, brings expertise honed at the prestigious Govt Dental College Jaipur SMS Hospital to his dental implant practice.

Fixed Teeth On Dental Implants.

With the help of the implants as the base, we can then give the patients a beautiful artificial tooth or a number of teeth that are as close to the natural tooth as possible allowing you to eat and chew your favorite food as well as smile as confidently as possible. Please visit and consult with Dr.Prateek Jain to understand about how dental implants are done at our dental clinic in Gopalpura, Jaipur.

Implant Treatment Procedure

Most dental implant surgery procedures are performed in the dentist’s office and occasionally in a hospital setting. depending on each case and the preferences of the doctor or patient, the implant procedure may vary.

Implant treatment options

Single tooth replacement.

When only a single implant is needed, a fixture is placed and the prosthetics are made for the individual tooth.​

Implant-supported bridge.

When only a single implant is needed, a fixture is placed and the prosthetics are made for the individual tooth.​

Fixed Dentures On Dental Implants.

When only a single implant is needed, a fixture is placed and the prosthetics are made for the individual tooth.​

Single tooth replacement.

When only a single implant is needed, a fixture is placed and the prosthetics are made for the individual tooth.

Implant-supported bridge.

An implant-supported bridge is a viable for multiple missing teeth. The bridge cum the prosthetics to one another and ennast

Fixed Dentures On Dental Implants.

Where two or more implants are placed to provide stabilization of the denture and preserve the underlying bone.


Dr. Prateek Jain answers some of the common questions that we receive related to wisdom tooth extraction –

A slight discomfort after the extraction is expected and normal and though anxious and scared initially but in last 10 years I have seen patients cope up very well with the discomfort and all of them say the same thing “It’s not at all the way we were scared of it”

We use a very sophisticated machine called piezoelectric.This machine is specifically made to perform wisdom tooth removal procedures.This leads to minimal post-operative discomfort and swelling.

An impacted or half erupted wisdom tooth can lead to a lot of problems.Some of them being not able to maintain the hygiene properly,recurrent pain in the wisdom tooth area,difficulty in chewing and swallowing.
All these symptoms will subside once you take some antibiotics but they will surely come back again in 3-4 months as the half erupted tooth is still there.
The only solution to these recurrent problems is to get the wisdom tooth extracted.

We use a very sophisticated machine called piezoelectric.This machine is specifically made to perform wisdom tooth removal procedures.This leads to minimal post-operative discomfort and swelling.

Yes this is a very real possibility,as wisdom tooth being half erupted does not allow proper cleanliness and hygiene maintenance,this can lead to caries in the tooth in front of it and that can lead to a painful condition.Hence your dentist has rightly advised you about it.

In case we are removing the upper wisdom tooth,there is no need for stitches,however in case of lower wisdom tooth two or three stitches are needed to close the gums.

No you do not require any bedrest of leave of absence from your work.

The charges vary from Rs 3500 to Rs 7000 depending on the complexity of the procedure,the amount of time that will be needed to remove it and from which Jaw the tooth is to be removed.

These are the most common questions that are asked by the patient.What we can assure you is getting the wisdom tooth extraction done is a good step to prevent decay in other teeth and saving yourself from the trouble of taking antibiotics again and again.

Patient feedback after dental implants with Dr.Prateek